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Genealogical Chat Room
Are you distantly related to any of the families listed below? Chime-in to the Salem Witch Trial family reunion to Chat.
Are you distantly related to Rebecca Nurse? There are tens of thousands out there. Chime-in.
Are you distantly related to the Putnam family of Salem Village? Chime-in. The Putnam's played a big part in the Trials.
Are you distantly related to Rev. Parris of Salem Village? Chime-in. The Rev. Parris played a big role in the Trials.
Suggest any new Category here or chime-in to anything you want to talk about on the Salem Witch Trials.
Are you distantly related to Sarah Cloyce? Chime-in or talk about the Movie.
Are you related to our three main charcters, Mary Easty, Sarah Cloyce or Rebecca Nurse? Their maiden name was Towne from Topsfield, Mass.
Are you distantly related to anyone else involved with the Salem Witch Trials? Chime-in and state your case. Sup?